Rikhi is a village of Punjab, Pakistan, situated on Mianwali-Rawalpindi road, on the northern side of Namal Lake. Rikhi is at a distance of 32 kilometers from Mianwali city. The name Rikhi originated from the name of Mountain Stream Rikhi which starts from salt range usually during rainy season and coming down, passing through village rikhi and then it go…Rikhi is a village of Punjab, Pakistan, situated on Mianwali-Rawalpindi road, on the northern side of Namal Lake. Rikhi is at a distance of 32 kilometers from Mianwali city. The name Rikhi originated from the name of Mountain Stream Rikhi which starts from salt range usually during rainy season and coming down, passing through village rikhi and then it goes to Namal lake. Previously it was called Trikhi meaning Fast Due to its Fast flow. But Later on, it changed from Trikhi to Rikhi. The people started living in Rikhi area after Shifting of population of Nammal Village. The nammal village was exactly at same place where now Nammal lake exist. During British rule, in 1913 when nammal lake was given shape of Lake and nammal Dam was Constructed, then people living there shifted to surrounding areas like Rikhi, Kalri etc. This village is part of Moza Kalri. Rikhi is part of Union Council Thamewali. Police station for Rikhi is in Chakrala. Historical Nala Rikhi still flows in the mid of the Rikhi Village during Rainy Season and enhances the beauty of the village.