To reach the state’s most ambitious climate goal, annual emissions cuts need to nearly double. Regulators are confident it ...
The Climate Commitment Act’s focus on environmental justice may be complicating efforts to link Washington state’s carbon ...
One of the most promising avenues for actively reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere is recycling it into valuable chemicals ...
The startup is taking a different approach to removing carbon dioxide from the air than most of its competitors.
Flux, a Nairobi-based climate startup, has sold Africa’s first carbon dioxide removal credits based on the practice of using ...
The tech has legitimate critics, but the Heritage Foundation still clings to debunked claims about the reality of climate ...
The legislation, which is still in the works, aims to guide federal agencies as they ramp up research on the emerging ...
Canada could meet its 2030 emissions target without a carbon tax on consumers, some analysts say, as the Liberal government ...
The U.S. EPA Says ADM violated federal regulations after a leak at their carbon capture facility in Decatur. The company says ...
An article recently published in Nature Climate Change explored the underestimation of personal carbon footprint inequality ...
Scientists have developed a high-efficiency electrochemical cell that converts bicarbonate from captured CO2 into formate ...
A research consortium plans to revive geoengineering trials of the controversial iron fertilization technique to pull carbon ...