Although the triple album sprawl of 1980’s Sandinista! from The Clash – the self-styled “only band that matters” – may seem like a more obvious candidate for inspection under the prog ...
The Clash were never afraid to experiment with sounds and that led to one bloated album (Sandinista!) and could have led to ...
I think that goes with the whole of Sandinista!, really. It just blew everything apart. Whatever people were expecting from the next Clash album, Sandinista! wasn’t it. The variety of stuff was ...
Like many people of our generation, we were excited by the Sandinista revolution, which had overthrown decades of U.S.-backed family dictatorship under the Somozas.
El mexicano Pedro Valtierra, con 23 años, viajó a Nicaragua para documentar la revolución de los sandinistas. Ahora presenta en un libro las mejores imágenes de aquella gesta.
Recordó que todo esto fue posible porque el Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, heredero de los ideales del prócer nicaragüense, derrotó a la dinastía militar del asesino Somoza el 19 ...