Journaling is one way to reflect on your experiences and can aid in brainstorming a thoughtful topic. Consider your strengths ...
U.S. News has compiled several college essay examples that helped students get into school. Shared by admissions staff or referenced from admissions websites, these essays stand out, they say ...
That’s actually not how it works at Connecticut College. We don’t expect to be on the edge of our seats as we read essays. We just want you to be yourself in your content and style so we can learn ...
For example, this year’s admissions ... experiences made them a cliché in the college admissions community. Instead, Kim advises writing an essay about something personal: "We always said ...
In 2021, before Barbie mania existed, I chose that controversial six-word phrase to open the most important essay of my life: the one for my college application. In the fall of my senior year ... talks to an admissions expert to understand exactly how to use AI to enhance a college essay without overstepping ...
For example, one of the essay questions I ... may provide an opportunity to take a class on writing college scholarship essays. It would be money well spent.