Seeing small cracks near the top of support beams aren't that unusual and usually aren't that serious, but this time it is.
On Monday, Caltrans planned to open a temporary HOV lane along the westbound side of the freeway from Vacaville to Fairfield. This means the lane will be restricted to only vehicles with two or ...
But, since another lifestyle choice HOV lanes were meant to promote is a greener environment, a lot of areas allow hybrids to cruise in the HOV lane with only one person in the car.
There's no blanket exemption for hybrids in the HOV lanes, as vehicles like the Lexus GS450h, Dodge Ram Hybrid and Saturn Vue Greenline still get to sit in traffic. CNN has the list of acceptable ...
With inclement winter weather in the forecast starting Wednesday evening, PennDOT officials have decided to close HOV lanes. The I-279/I-579 HOV lanes will close Tuesday night, around two hours ...
Caltrans and partner agencies are tentatively scheduled to open the new westbound Interstate 80 (I-80) express lane running between Vacaville and Fairfield as a temporary HOV lane on or around ...
The HOV lanes on I-279 and I-579 will close overnight. The closure will start at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday and last through the morning rush hour on Thursday, PennDOT said. Snow and other inclement ...
Anthony, who in 2019 started his crusade against HOV lanes while he was a Las Vegas city councilman, was a major player in the HOV lane regulation hours being shortened by the state. Last year the ...