hornets, or honeybees require different removal strategies. You can choose the safest and most effective removal method by correctly identifying the stinging insects. Yellow jackets are about one ...
Social wasps such as the hornets and yellow-jackets live in colonies similar to those of honey bees and ants Yellow-jackets (Vespula vulgaris) are the size of honey bees, with black and bright ...
We’ve been having warm sunny days but the nights are cooling quickly. Certain insects are likely attempting to move in with ...
Yellow jackets, or predatory social wasps, feed on pests and can be helpful for a garden’s growth. They can make homeowners’ lives miserable, though, especially when they nest within house siding.
since not all bees and wasps are friendly, including yellow jackets. Yellow jackets are one species of wasps that are particularly aggressive and likely to sting—sometimes multiple times. A yellow ...