It is available as a daily pill or a monthly injection. However, it does not treat withdrawal symptoms or reverse overdoses. In many states, naloxone is available at pharmacies without a prescription.
It takes no more than a couple of doses of Narcan to reverse a typical fentanyl overdose. A new type of synthetic fentanyl ...
A University of the Pacific team has developed a single-dose injection to counter the effects of fentanyl and other opioid overdoses. Professor Mamoun Alhamadsheh and his researchers at the ...
Kathie Carstairs, vice president of Wake Up Nevada, stopped by Morning Break to talk about the rising need for Narcan and ...
There have been nearly 50 overdoses in the past week, according to an alert from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health.
Individuals undergoing substance use treatment who usually smoke opioids, compared to their peers who inject, have a lower all-cause mortality risk.
The officers had received training on how to administer Naloxone from the team at The Health Shop - run by Nottinghamshire ...