Carhartt hoodies and shorts are much closer ... the rules of the chamber were changed. Opinion is mixed on John Fetterman's choice of dress. While some people admire Fetterman's commitment to ...
Senator John Fetterman arrived at Capitol Hill for ... the Pennsylvania senator wore a black Carhartt hoodie, gray gym shorts and ON sneakers despite the formality of the event.
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Penn.) arrived at the U.S. Capitol for President Donald Trump’s inauguration sporting his trademark Carhartt hoodie and gym shorts, drawing criticism from both ...
Fetterman, who is known for his laid back style and casual demeanor, braved the D.C. cold with gray basketball shorts, but seemed comfortable with this his hands in his black Carhartt hoodie.
John Fetterman (D-Pa.) didn't let the cold bother him. Fetterman arrived to the U.S. Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony in a pair of grey shorts, a black-hooded sweatshirt and black On Cloud ...
The famously laid back Pennsylvania senator sat in the front row amongst designer-dressed guests with his hands in his hoodie pocket.
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) arrived at the Capitol for President-elect Donald Trump’s Inauguration in a black hoodie, gray gym shorts and sneakers — staying true to his traditional sartorial ...