KDHE emphasized the importance of the MMR vaccine, stating that two doses are 97% effective against measles. Kansas' statewide MMR immunization rate for kindergarten students has declined ...
“If you live or have activities near this stream, do not enter the stream or allow children or pets to enter the stream,” the KDHE said in its warning. The stream advisory results from ...
The KDHE, guided by the Centers for Disease Control ... the CDC linked America’s TB to pressure put on the medical staff by the COVID-19 pandemic response. “This outbreak in an urban, at ...
KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Ministry has updated the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for Covid-19, including reducing the number of quarantine days, effective July 5. This comes after the World ...
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is tracking 384 individuals ... outbreak of a disease that recently surpassed COVID-19 as the leading infectious-disease cause of death ...
TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) - The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) reminds Kansans that March and April are when large areas of the state’s rangelands are burned, especially within the ...