Project is part of Aramco's coveted long term agreement framework, which has offered EPCI contracts worth $2 billion to $3 ...
The FDP outlines a phased development concept for NDUM involving unmanned wellhead platforms at each of the Nam Du and U Minh ...
Couldn't resolve component "default" at "/:pathMatch (.*)?/:lcsId ( [0-9]\- [0-9]\- [0-9]+| [0-9]- [0-9]- [0-9]+PT [0-9]+)" ...
Singapore-based oil and gas development company Jadestone Energy PLC has submitted a plan to state-controlled PetroVietnam to jointly develop two offshore gas fields in southwest Vietnam, it said on ...
A presidential memorandum signed by President Donald Trump on Jan. 20 suspended the leasing and permitting of federal spaces ...
Thomas Andreassen, CEO of SubseaDesign AS, stated, “As the industry seeks cost-effective and innovative solutions to advance subsea tieback and field developments, our alliance with KOIL Energy ...
concerning its proposals for the drilling of oil wells and offshore production from the Sea Lion Field Northern Development Area, Phase 1 and 2. The Falkland Islands Government began a public ...
Asia-Pacific focused oil and gas company Jadestone Energy has submitted a field development plan (FDP) for the Nam Du/U Minh ...
Valeura Energy has completed its infill drilling campaign at the Manora field in Licence G1/48, located offshore the Gulf of ...
Jadestone Energy, upstream production and development company listed on the London Stock Exchange as JSE, has submitted a ...