News has emerged that Forest Whitaker's character in the upcoming Star Wars movie, Rogue One ... of those plans as Star Wars begins? No, Saw Gerrera is the far more interesting reveal.
Andor season 2's story is set to lead directly into the events of Rogue One. How likely is it that the movie's characters ...
There's obviously more to Saw Gerrera than what we see in ... the rebel base as the rebellion goes to help Rogue One. Once more connecting the movie to "A New Hope," it might have been better ...
The Clone Wars introduced one of the most complex and defining characters of the Disney Star Wars era: Saw Gerrera. Gerrera, ...
“One of the great ... characters of the movie and the show this season. In the trailer, we get a glimpse of Ben Mendelsohn as Director Krennic, Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera, and the droid ...
From the return of Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker ... For the first time since Rogue One, we get to see Cassian (Diego Luna) on Yavin 4 as the hustle and bustle of the rebel base moves all around ...