Beijing lashes out at ‘arrogant and malicious’ G7 for criticism over South China Sea and Taiwan - G7 accused China of seeking ...
India has been invited to join the Squad alliance to counter China's influence in the South China Sea. The Philippines seeks ...
Chinese warships have been circumnavigating Australia’s coastline for more than three weeks, passing within 200 miles of ...
The involvement of an extra-regional great power in a small power’s territorial disputes with China may prove ...
China has lashed out at accusations it is endangering maritime safety made by top diplomats from the Group of 7 ...
According to a report of the Japanese media outlet NHK on Monday, Japan and the EU will jointly hold a seminar next week for ...
BANGKOK--The United States and the Philippines are conducting joint air and maritime patrols in the South China Sea, which come as the two countries step up cooperation in the face of growingly ...
Statement comes after China accuses Philippines of ‘acting as others’ chess pieces’ regarding South China Sea dispute - ...
In their meeting in Charlevoix, Canada, on Friday, the G7 foreign ministers released a joint statement, in which they again bad-mouthed China on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, South China Sea issue, and ...
BEIJING: China strongly deplores and firmly opposes the G7 allegations of the South China Sea and China's economic ...