After a day of grueling schoolwork, Kirkman heads back to B Street to complete another long workout session before returning ...
In August 2015, The Walking Dead comic writer Robert Kirkman announced that he would be winding up another of his titles, the superhero saga Invincible, with issue #144.
We haven’t released any screeners,” Invincible co-creator Robert Kirkman began. “They’re the biggest episodes we’ve done thus far, I think it’s very safe to say that, and we end on som ...
Invincible season 3 has seen the arrival of Aaron Paul to its cast, but apparently creator Robert Kirkman really hopes to bring another Breaking Bad star aboard too. The thing about animated shows ...
I'm so thrilled to be on the cusp of debuting what Benito Cereno, E.J. Su and I have cooked up," said Robert Kirkman in a statement. "Monsters! Aliens! Space! Talking Guns! I dare you to find a ...