Responding to the confirmation that GB Energy will be headquartered in Aberdeen, Liberal Democrat Scottish affairs ...
Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesperson Liam McArthur has today (Wednesday 25th September) marked 1,000 days since the prison suicide strategy expired by unveiling research that shows that in ...
Scottish Liberal Democrat Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has today urged the SNP Government to urgently act on the social care crisis as he raised the issue of care home closures in the Highlands with the ...
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader and health spokesperson Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has warned that efforts to deliver a smoke-free Scotland are falling short as new figures released today showed that NHS ...
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has today called on the Health Secretary, Neil Gray, to wake up to the crisis in our NHS, as figures published today show poor cancer waiting ti ...
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, health spokesperson and MSP for Edinburgh Western Alex Cole-Hamilton has today called for the Scottish Government to deliver a statement in the Scottish Parliament on ...
Responding to a new study from Public Health Scotland which estimates that 3,185 deaths in 2022 were attributable to physical ...
Responding to a new Audit Scotland report which warns that colleges may not be able to offer the same learning experience to ...
Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesperson Liam McArthur MSP has today warned that the Scottish Government is not doing enough to reform legal aid in Scotland, as research by his party uncovered m ...
Liberal Democrat Chief Whip Wendy Chamberlain MP will open the party’s conference with a call for the new government to focus ...
Speaking during this afternoon’s session of First Minister’s Questions in the Scottish Parliament, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said: ...
Speaking in the SNP government’s debate in the Scottish Parliament this afternoon, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said: ...