Your baby having a fever can be one of the first signs ... we conducted thorough testing to evaluate each thermometer's performance in real-life scenarios. We considered factors such as ease ...
There are potential real-life consequences in this gap ... you needed to have a fever. When the thermometer came out of your mouth, it had to read higher than 98.6°F—the long-accepted ...
It’s 3 a.m. Your two-year-old is crying. Her forehead is hot and you fear she’s running a fever. You rush to get a thermometer. You grab one, but in your haste, you drop it. It breaks ...
Instead, thermometers should be one of many coronavirus protection protocols but used before people go out in public and expose others to their germs. Many coronavirus patients don't run a fever ...
The four Penn students realized their smart thermometer could have a huge impact, especially on parents that may be worrying about their sleeping kids. With Fever Smart, those parents would be ...