Plans for a new Willowbend Country Club housing development called Cranberry Point were approved by the Mashpee Planning ...
The board of health held a public hearing this week regarding a new regulation aimed at reducing the amount of single-use ...
Bonita Oteri served her country as a major in the US Army as a major. In a military career that was built on the foundation ...
Vote-by-mail applications are now available for the Mashpee Town Election, which will be held on Saturday, May 10.
Bourne resident and school committee member Kari D. MacRae announced yesterday that she will challenge Democratic incumbent ...
Zachary A. Lawrence has been named the director of engineering and maintenance at the Woods Hole, Martha’s Vineyard and ...
Emily Ward of North Falmouth, a freshman at Sturgis Charter Public School, earned a third-place award at the Southeastern ...
Superintendent Joseph P. Maruszczak and school committee members are advocating for more state funding in light of the Joint ...
Bubba the harbor seal—the star attraction of the Woods Hole Science Aquarium—is leaving next month for his new home at the ...
On Monday, police arrested two individuals in connection with a fire that burned and destroyed a historical landmark in ...
Freshman students Prishia Bajracharya, Finnegan Hoctor and Holden Auty are all first-place winners of the Project Lead the ...
Dog Man is the wildly popular half-man, half-dog crime fighter. The book fair had the entire 13-volume series, bookmarks, ...