A review of The Testamnet of Mary by Colm Toibin. When I finished The Testament of Mary I was angry. So angry, I had to wait a while before writing this review. The book reminds me a lot of Philip ...
Australian actor George Xanthis has played the role of John Travolta and one of the Capone brothers. But it is his current one, playing John the Apostle in The Chosen, that he says is “the best role ...
Trigger warning added 22/9/21: This story contains graphic details of assault with an indecent act and is likely to cause distress to people who have been victims of such abuse and may have been ...
What’s the truth about secularisation? – Eternity is pleased to present a powerful address that Rory Shiner, senior pastor of Providence City Church in Perth, gave last week to Freedom19, a conference ...
Here’s a promise of greater unity in the conservative reformed part of Australian Christianity. Two church groups – the Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA) and the Christian Reformed Churches of ...
Note: This is reconstructed from interviews, including with the FBI. Todd: Hello… Operator…listen to me…I can’t speak very loud. – This is an emergency. I ...
President Donald Trump asked the President of Nigeria to explain his nation’s indifference to the plight of persecuted Christians, Nigerian leader Muhammadu Buhari told reporters this week. Speaking ...
“You know, when you look at these people you realise, they look so normal and so ordinary, but they’re the people who have caused others a tremendous amount of pain and grief that really cannot be ...
Ernest Hemingway once quipped, “There are only three real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain climbing. All the others are mere games.” What his selections have in common is a preparedness ...
The Brisbane-born pastor who is facing calls for his deportation from the UK back to Australia, over his public comments praising the cancellation of the Cornwall Pride event on a public Facebook page ...
Pastor Timothy Grant, Reverend Matthew Littlefield, Pastor Warren McKenzie are the authors of the Ezekiel Declaration. Pastor Giuliano Bordoni joined them in making this response. We would like to ...
One freezing winter morning, Lance Rogers hauled himself out of bed before dawn without any clue about the challenge that awaited him. Overweight for most of his adult life, the new Christian had been ...