CBI, a division of UBM Life Sciences, is the life sciences industry leader in providing thought leadership, actionable data, benchmarking, case studies and regulatory information through a dynamic ...
In a clinical trial, the current status for participants, indicating at what stage the trial is. Before a trial begins, participants will be being recruited, and during a trial, participants will be ...
The Clinical Trial Company (TCTC) targets medium size clinical trials and novel products which lack a classical road map to the market. Large CROs prioritise studies from the big pharma companies, for ...
THE THINGS THAT MAKE US TICKBeing the largest unified global healthcare networkBeing united under a single financial reporting structure: one agency with one P& LUsing a unique agency-of-the-future ...
Cardiff Convention Bureau Cardiff Convention Bureau is your one-stop-shop where all your questions are answered and where the best options to suit your event are offered. Our aim is to make your life ...
Amici provide cutting edge sourcing solutions to companies across the Biotech industry. Our business is to deliver greater savings through improved supplier performance. We can support you whether you ...
A healthcare related programme to monitor, maintain and improve medical practices and administration.
ScyTek Laboratories, Inc. a Utah, USA corporation involved in the manufacture of diagnostic reagents Special Stains, Antibodies, Hematology, Microbiology, Hematoxlyn ...
The largest professional body for public relations in the UK and Europe, with over 9,500 members accountable though a code of conduct, developing policies, representing fellow members, and raising ...
A pricing strategy involving setting a relatively low price for a product during the introductory stage of its life-cycle to gain a share of the market which can be built upon.This strategy is ...
The code covers the promotion of prescription medicines to health professionals and appropriate administrative staff. In addition, it sets the standard for the provision of information on medicines to ...
The advertising agency employee responsible for supervising the work of all people involved in the creative aspects of producing advertising, including art directors, graphic designers, copywriters ...