Mandimycin is structurally similar to the last-line-of-defense antifungal amphotericin B, another glycosylated polyene ...
Earth’s core could contain helium from the early solar system. The noble gas tucks into gaps in iron crystals under high pressure and temperature.
Rialti, a leading European polypropylene compounder and recycler, is launching new compound grades containing both ...
This article provides an overview of PFAS, including their chemical properties, health effects and regulatory limits. It also ...
The volatile organic compounds released into the air while cooking food contributes to potentially harmful ozone pollution, ...
The chemical, which is added to common foods, like the extremely popular Cinnamon Toast Crunch, increases the risk of certain ...
International Paper, the owner of the Bogalusa mill, also agreed to operational and inspection changes, employee training and ...
Life's building blocks may not have been crafted in the lightning flashes of a tempest, a new study suggests, so much as in ...
Experts particularly like to refer to compound interest as “magic” — legend has it even Albert Einstein was a fan, famously saying “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who ...
Researchers have synthesised a triple bond between carbon and boron for the first time. This discovery could help chemists ...
A breakthrough in heavy-element chemistry shatters long-held assumptions about transuranium elements. Researchers have ...
Ex-employees of a startup bankrolled by Bill Gates' investment firm, sued the company, accusing it of exposing them to toxic ...