EDITORIAL: Petting zoo
"Count us among the millions, surely, who never thought of Donald Trump as a serious candidate for president of the U.S. of A. Or a serious almost-anything. The best description of Mr. Trump (there ...
The origin of the term can be traced to the late political columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist, who first coined the phrase “Bush derangement syndrome” in 2003.
Billy Napier was falsely accused of ripping Florida fans this week. Such nonsense isn’t fair, but it comes with the territory ...
“Selling the Lincoln Bedroom is not a high crime or misdemeanor,” pronounced syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer. “But it is offensive.” “[T]he image of guests racing in and out of ...
Charles Krauthammer was considered by many, including me, to be the most brilliant columnist of our time. Unfortunately, he passed away in June of 2018 at the age of 68 from cancer. He won a Pulitzer ...
There is some hope, however. The term “Derangement Syndrome” was coined in 2003 by the late political columnist Charles Krauthammer. He meant it in a presidential context and said there was no ...
GOP Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance reportedly asked a professor to delete a blog post written by the Ohio Senator back ...
The brilliant late columnist Charles Krauthammer once wrote that liberals don’t just think conservatives are wrong on the issues, “liberals think conservatives are evil.” Liberals, in their arrogance, ...
We can forget the debate about the false choice between continuing an “endless war” and withdrawing altogether even if there was a level of comfort with having the smallest force necessary to detect ...
Suicide is neither noble nor natural. “When you see someone on a high ledge ready to jump," Charles Krauthammer wrote in January 1997, “you are enjoined by every norm in our society to tackle ...