Julia Garner is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Shalla-Bal, an alternate version of the classic Marvel character, the Silver Surfer. The news surprised some MCU fans who are only aware of ...
Silver Surfer is going to meet an untimely fate in ... We’re also bringing back classic allies and creating entirely new characters, including the most human and yet the most formidable rival ...
Julia Garner is reportedly set to play the Silver Surfer in the MCU Fantastic Four reboot movie - but not the classic Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd. Instead, it seems she'll be playing a version of ...
Is it possible that, ahead of the new movie, Marvel Comics will be killing off the Norrin Radd Silver Surfer to clear the way for a Shalla Bal Silver Surfer in the comic books, as in the movie?
Previously, Bleeding Cool reported we would be getting Death Of The Silver Surfer comic book series from Marvel Comics but had little else. Well, after a little bit of digging around, we now have ...