Ending clinical trials with no warning can put patients at risk.
Advanced treatment options and hair-loss clinics have continued to emerge — and researchers are making progress on finding ...
The National Institutes of Health has rescinded $1.4 million of a $2 million grant to Whitman-Walker Health System, putting ...
Joshua Rabinowitz will direct Princeton’s role in the Weill Cancer Hub East, a collaboration with The Rockefeller University, ...
The Trump administration has cut funding for a University of Utah research institute because work there focused on health ...
Over the years, the network had evolved to study other health issues facing youth beyond HIV, including STIs, substance use ...
A new medical database automatically compiles the medical records of obese patients and those suffering from obesity-related diseases in a uniquely comprehensive and reliable manner. The initiative, ...
The landscape of clinical trials has undergone significant changes, as highlighted in the current Series of six papers published in The Lancet Global Health. The WHO guidance provides a comprehensive ...
Makary, a prominent voice on U.S. health care practices throughout his career, spent 22 years at Hopkins Medicine ...
The Office for Long COVID Research and Practice was instrumental in coordinating the U.S. government’s initiatives to treat, ...
Scientists used advanced data analysis and machine learning to identify the viral proteins that may trigger autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
DECHS is the result of a partnership between Duke Health, Durham Tech and Durham Public Schools that received a $29.5 million ...