An overturned tanker truck is blocking the ramp from I-95 northbound to the Commodore Barry Bridge in Chester, Delaware ...
New report recommends four bridges connecting N.J. and Philly should have safety standards checked. The DRPA says the root ...
The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended safety evaluations for 68 bridges, including two Staten Island ...
More than a dozen bridges in New York and New Jersey are among 68 US crossings that need to be checked for risk of collapse ...
The NTSB wants those responsible for the bridges to be sure they are safe from a potential strike from a container ship.
Nine bridges in or near Delaware are among 68 recommended for vulnerability studies following the collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore.
A new report from the NTSB is raising questions about the safety of dozens of bridges across the country, including several ...
A new report about America's bridges is out, and in it, authorities recommend evaluating bridges for their risk of collapsing ...