In total, there are 2,827.5 miles of HOV lanes across the 48 contiguous states, and a grand total of 2,877 including Hawaii's 49.5 miles of HOV lane. While measuring the total environmental ...
HOV lanes were first implemented in the United States in the 1970s, and they offer benefits to all motorists, even those who ...
A new high-occupancy vehicle lane is opening along Interstate 80 in Solano County as bigger changes are on the way for the major thoroughfare.
One of California’s most valuable clean vehicle incentives is in trouble, and federal lawmakers haven’t taken action.
The HOV lanes on I-279 and I-579 will close overnight. The closure will start at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday and last through the morning rush hour on Thursday, PennDOT said. Snow and other inclement ...
“Right now all lanes on westbound 80 are open and that includes the temporary HOV lanes,” he said on the video. “Those lanes are going to serve as temporary carpool lanes until new express ...
The HOV lanes on I-279 and I-579 will close overnight. The closure will start at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday and last through the morning rush hour on Thursday, PennDOT said. Snow and other inclement ...
PennDOT says crews discovered a long, vertical crack in the pier column itself, which isn't an area where cracks are typically discovered.