How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
Also, according to a town study, returning the Exeter River to a free-flowing state by removing the Pickpocket Dam would lead ...
Plans for a massive 15-story dam on the Penobscot River were abandoned on this day in 1986, considered one of the biggest ...
The Ohio DNR will remove a low-head dam on Cloverlick Creek in Clermont County to improve water quality in the stream.
After more than a century of obstruction, the Klamath River is experiencing a rebirth. After the recent removal of four ...
Geneva Age: 65 Occupation: Retired Previous offices held: Precinct committeeman What is the most serious issue your ...
St. Charles Age: 43 Occupation: Chief executive officer Previous offices held: St. Charles City Council Ward 2 since ...
Letters to the editor on the four lower snake river dams, standing up for the Constitution and rule of law, and research on ...
Lease terminations on a number of properties in Massachusetts rented by the federal government could have severe impacts on efforts to protect and restore the environment around the ...
Back on February 5, demolition crews used explosions to bring the bridge deck down to the river bed. Since that time, they’ve been cleaning up the debris left behind.