In the Ancient Greek epic poem “The Odyssey,” Odysseus’ men strap him to the mast of the ship so he could hear the sirens’ ...
What if Juliet didn’t kill herself? That is the question asked in “& Juliet”, coming to Philly’s Academy of Music.
“I perform this epic musical every night for three hours and the next morning I get to be dad,” he said with a smile. Cartell brought his wife Christine and their 5-year-old daughter Sullivan ...
A SPECIAL youth theatre production of Les Miserables is being performed at Bradford Ukrainian Club. The production, by BCP Youth - the junior section of Bradford Catholic Players - is the Schools ...
Twin Shadow. Throwing Muses. NPR Music's Stephen Thompson is joined by Matt Reilly of Austin public radio station KUTX to discuss the best new releases we heard this week.
A dying woman calls her grandson and asks him to write a play about their family. “But I want you to promise me something,” she says. “Make it as bitter and vitriolic as possible." In this ...
“And it all goes to the screen.” For Moonlighting’s Vosloo, currently servicing Gina Prince-Blythewood’s star-studded fantasy epic “Children of Blood and Bone,” the lack of dialogue ...
His first job in entertainment was staff writing for the musical drama series Soundtrack, now available on Hulu. His pivot into journalism comes as a result of his undying love for all things ...
A new musical based on the iconic 1930s cartoon character.