Blade Runner follows Deckard (Ford), a Blade Runner who must pursue and terminate four escaped Replicants who stole a ship in ...
Ridley Scott’s production company RSA is set to revisit the Battle of Mogadishu in a new Netflix documentary, “Surviving ...
Ridley Scott's Bee Gees biopic at Paramount will wait to begin production until this fall after he completes work on 'The Dog ...
Interviewer] Ridley Scott breakdown iconic movies. They're all iconographic. [Interviewer] Of course they are. but I stepped ...
Mel Gibson praises Ridley Scott and his work on 'Gladiator,' calling it a film that speaks to him on an 'emotional' and ...
Director Sir Ridley Scott broke down some of the challenges he faced when bringing the Xenomorph to life, and I could listen ...
Blade Runner and Alien director Ridley Scott is what people like me have instead of church. In Sir Ridley's movies, we trust. The prolific, award-winning English director is the man behind sci-fi ...
Ridley Scott continued his endless press tour in a new interview with GQ today, where he proudly talked shit about the studio ...
Although Harrison Ford is synonymous with multiple franchises and countless memorable performances, he wasn't always such a ...
Ridley Scott is teasing the Bee Gees biopic he is set to direct at Paramount, which has been delayed. The Gladiator II ...
Ridley Scott has a very ambitious plan for 2025, including entering production on a post-apocalyptic film and a Bee Gees biopic.
After some confusion, Ridley Scott confirmed he’ll make his sci-fi pic “ The Dog Stars “ (now starring Jacob Elordi instead ...