Gollum is one of The Lord of the Rings' most memorable characters, and as such, he's the focus of a number of truly iconic ...
The Lord of the Rings heroes have always been an ideal to strive toward, but one ending for Frodo would've changed that in a big way.
There is no shortage of chillingly creepy locations in The Lord of the Rings, but it's hard to beat the Dead Marshes. It's ...
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, was loved by fans all over the world for its faithful adaptation of the bestselling novel series by J. R.
Originally, Gollum was known as Sméagol, a Hobbit just like Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. But he became corrupted by the One Ring when he, infatuated with it, stole it from his friend Déagol (whom he ...
How a scene in Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring still terrifies audiences today even though it features the two most wholesome characters.
When Frodo and Sam (and a “special guest”: the mischievous creature Gollum) finally arrive at Mt. Doom to cast the Ring into its fires, Frodo fails: He puts the Ring on. Gollum then finds him ...
Frodo was so attached to the Ring that he failed his mission of destroying it and was only successful by chance after Gollum attacked him on the Cracks of Doom. After Gollum bit Frodo's finger ...
The Woobles Lord of the Rings Collector's Box includes everything needed to crochet Gandalf, Frodo, Gollum, and a Balrog. The Woobles expects to ship preorders around May 15. It's quite expensive ...
The drop includes Frodo, Gollum, Gandalf, and Balrog, each with their own miniature accessories. The entire kit includes custom crochet hooks, an Elvish-inscribed tension ring, a collector’s tin ...