Roosevelt agreed when his ambassador to Vichy, Admiral William D. Leahy, described de Gaulle as “an apprentice dictator”. There is a chilling echo in Trump’s description of Volodymyr Zelensky as a ...
But Roosevelt refused, Reynaud resigned, and Marshall Henri Philippe Pétain led France into collaboration. FDR was a Democrat and author of the new deal, the economic policy that helped America ...
Et "La Guerre mondiale, 1914-1918, le manuscrit inédit par Philippe Pétain" a été publié en ... aujourd’hui l’institut médicoéducatif Henri-Wallon destiné aux enfants en situation ...
THE PRICE OF GLORY (371 pp.)—Alistair Horne—St. Martin’s ($5.95). Around the town, in an area not much larger than a small college campus, nearly half a million men died. Under the ceaseless ...
Joseph Joffre et Philippe Pétain. Or, cette promesse va faire long feu. Aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, alors que des monuments aux morts fleurissent dans le moindre village ...
Juillet 1942, Nancy suffoque sous l'Occupation. Une rafle massive menace 385 Juifs, mais un homme, Édouard Vigneron, policier ...
When Charles de Gaulle published the first volume of his war memoirs, in 1954, it looked like an acknowledgment that he no longer belonged to the present, but to history. His achievements during the ...
Sigmaringen. Ce nom, qui sonne aujourd'hui comme une curiosité géographique, fut, pendant plusieurs mois, le théâtre d'une bien étrange (...) ...