Masha Krupp has a presence. She has a mesmerizing quality that makes you want to come along on her journey; to buy a book and turn pages.
"It's more of that motivation book. Anyone could read it and remember that New Orleans would shout for them too because we ...
In 1998, the Christopher Priest-penned Black Panther comic launched alongside three other books under the Marvel Knights ...
I asked Wreden if I could share one of my favorite stories from the game, the first installment in the works of fictional ...
Memoir, thriller, historical fiction, and romance, Philly writers are telling a plethora of stories. Here's what we'll be ...
Last Thursday’s public presentation of former military leader Ibrahim Babangida’s over 400 pages ... the book outside the launch venue, there does not seem to be any who thought him a hero ...
Summer is the best season to spend it all lounging in a favourite novel, and there is an appropriate way that every zodiac ...
An £8.99 book on grief penned by the daughter of Covid hero Captain Sir Tom Moore has been savaged by readers.
The latest photos from the set of Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey put the spotlight on Spider-Man: No Way Home's Tom Holland ...
Christine Murphy's 'Notes on Surviving the Fire' isn't interested in a tidy detective narrative. The emotionally resonant novel will stick with you for a while.