HOLYOKE, Mass. (WWLP) – The 72nd annual Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade stepped off through the city on Sunday.
From the music to the dancing and cool costumes, the inaugural parade did not disappoint ... Some of the parade attendees were able to watch just steps away from their home. The parade route went ...
WASHINGTON – As lines stretched for blocks of people vying to get to the route of President Donald Trump’s inaugural parade, a woman held a sign that said, “Hands off My Body.” ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 -- The work of the committee having charge of the ceremonies incident to the inauguration of President ... of the arrangements of the parade, are daily receiving applications ...
Monday’s forecast calls for the lowest Inauguration Day temperatures since ... in general admission areas or to line the inaugural parade route from the Capitol to the White House.
Lake County does not have many St. Patrick’s Day parades and municipal celebrations, Hamm said, “and I think our town can support one.” ...