It can be scary you know when the breathing starts to get affected. You know the sneezing, and the runny noses, and the itchy ...
Greensboro is 10th and Winston-Salem checks in at No. 15 on the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America’s latest list of 200 ...
Humidifiers, steam and hot showers serve as symptomatic reliefs. Showers remove any pollens and allergens on the body, while ...
It is the time of year again to talk about seasonal allergies and if you’ve been suffering from irritated eyes and a runny ...
The primary allergens to watch out for include tree and grass pollen, as well as the almond bloom that occurs in February and ...
Over the past couple of weeks, the pollen has certainly made its presence known across Alabama, and many people are likely already suffering from this allergy ...
Allergy season is getting longer thanks to climate change. Learn how to cope and how to tell whether you have allergies or a ...
There are an estimated five million oak trees in Houston, and it’s the time of year where they release their pollen — a lot of it. It’s the yellow ...
In short, take allergy medications when your symptoms show up – with one exception: “The biggest thing to be aware of is the sedating versus non-sedating options,” Dr. Suda says. Allergy medications ...
Spring is in the air in the Lowcountry, bringing with it acopious amount of pollen, dust and pet hair.Dr. Alex Suda, a family ...
Pollen for many is the culprit for itchy eyes and coughing, but others who are allergic to mold and dust, can find themselves impacted by year-round.
If your allergies leave you feeling lightheaded or cause chest pain, alert your doctor immediately, Nagarajan said. It could ...