Transformers, Optimus Prime
"Transformers One" will reveal the untold backstory of how two Energon-mining worker 'bots named Orion Pax and D-16 became the mortal foes we all know today as Optimus Prime and Megatron.
The first trailer for the movie that opens in July ... but also the big man himself, Optimus Prime. A little bit of fair warning, if you're eager to see this movie you can kiss an afternoon ...
Back then, Optimus Prime and Megatron were still friends. The plot of the movie will reveal to the audience how the two friends turned into sworn enemies. It should be noted that the new final ...
And, to mark the release, Paramount dropped a brand new trailer filled with new footage and quotes making sure everyone knows, this movie is incredible. io9 posted its review of the film last week ...
Playful, before he had become the all-knowing, wise Optimus Prime. Toward the end of the film, there's kind of one speech or ...