With their low current consumption over a wider voltage range in a compact package, the Vishay Semiconductors VSOP383xx ...
When the PIR proximity sensor detects a person, the supply voltage for the MP3 ... The MP3 player returns to sleep mode. The circuit including batteries is located on a four-layer circuit board. The ...
In this project, we use an Arduino Uno R4 board and other hardware to make a rather versatile and performing sound synthesizer and MIDI sequencer. In the first part of this series on audio synthesis, ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
One of the simple yet interesting connection diagrams that young engineers learn in their lab is the staircase lighting setup.
The Arduino Car Obstacle Avoidance project creates a car that autonomously navigates while avoiding obstacles. It uses an Arduino Uno, motors, an H-bridge moduleand 2 ultrasonic sensor.
In the era of smart homes, automation and integration are key to enhancing convenience and efficiency. Our project leverages the SIPEED MAIXDUINO… ...