Rialti, a leading European polypropylene compounder and recycler, is launching new compound grades containing both ...
When battery cells overheat or are damaged, volatile electrolyte vapours can be released and may ignite, triggering fires or ...
At the end of a revolution, it triggers a hall sensor which resets the circuit. The best thing about this design? It’s been in service for ten years. [Larry’s] original video is a big contrast ...
The course gives an introduction to CMOS image sensor chips used in digital cameras. The entire signal chain from light to jpeg compressed image will be covered, incl. pixels and readout circuits, A/D ...
This project provides ROS drivers for Bosch Off-Highway sensor systems. (Radar Off-Highway Premium, Radar OHW, General Purpose Radar Off-Highway (GPR), Ultrasonic Sensor System OHW Entry & Premium) ...