Creators Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore ... Year after year, Saga continues to win Eisner, Harvey and Hugo awards for best ongoing series, best writer, best artist and so on.
News on the Invincible movie remains sparse, but the comic's creator has full confidence that the adaptation will one day ...
Invincible fans got the return of a character that hasn't been seen in a while at the end of season three, and the creators ...
Whether or not Conquest arrives, Invincible Season 3 Episodes 7 and 8 are the “biggest episodes” the show has ever done.
In a new interview with outlet Variety, creator Robert Kirkman through a curveball at fans by not only announcing that season four would contain a totally new storyline but it would present Mark ...
In a new interview with Variety, Invincible creator Robert Kirkman explained why Conquest was given a brand new monologue that was not a part of the original Image Comic. Not only did Kirkman ...
He’d gathered over a dozen Mark Graysons from across the multiverse, setting up an iconic storyline from Robert Kirkman’s source material. I won’t spoil it too much, but the arc unleashes all of them ...
In fact, according to Levy, Invincible turning evil is the “norm” as the Mark we’ve come to know is more of an aberration. As ...