The practice of Tarot is used to bring clarification and answers about love, family, career, and life direction. There are several types of tarot readings and spreads that can give you insight ...
Here, we explore some of the most influential tarot cards and their significance. The Fool is often seen as the most powerful card in the tarot deck. Representing new beginnings, spontaneity ...
This is known as the Fool's Journey and is a helpful way of understanding the story line of the Major Arcana Tarot card meanings. Was that clear as mud? I know, there's a lot more to it than meets ...
Few academics took an interest in the obscure and superstitious world of tarot cards, but Warburg devoted a whole panel to it. Rescued from Nazi Germany in 1933, his library and photographic ...
The Emperor s the fourth card in a traditional tarot deck and is part of the Fool's Journey. But what does the Emperor tarot card mean? Whether this card is read as upright or reversed ...