If your gut reaction is Monday's chest and back workout or Thursday's shoulder exercises, here's some bad news: You're ...
Five exercises and a set of dumbbells are all it takes to build stamina, strengthen muscles and boost cardio fitness in the gym or at home on your exercise mat. When working out from home, I like to ...
The lack of floor or bench-based exercises means the workout is wrist-friendly and makes for a welcome break from classic ...
A trainer outlines five of the most effective weight-loss workouts that have proven to be successful among his clients.
A personal trainer outlines the ultimate 60-day workout plan to gain muscle and strength while working all major muscle ...
Sure, there are hundreds of options out there for different moves or modalities, but sticking to the tried-and-true basics will get you the best results—and that’s especially true as you get older, ...
Not only can dumbbells deliver a crushing leg workout, the BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal says that ...
Strengthening your back is one of the many antidotes to back pain as it helps support muscles, big and small, that bolster ...
Pull the band apart while keeping your elbows mostly straight by driving your arms out to the side until your body forms a “T ...
The mix of squats, lunges, and deadlifts engages major muscle groups like the glutes, quads, and hamstrings, while the pulse ...
“Yoga sculpt is typically a form of a yoga class that includes hand weights, cardio moves, and additional strength exercises ...