On 20 March, Finland received notice that the European Commission has referred Finland to the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Commission’s application concerns the delay in transposing ...
Differences and disparities related to origin and ethnicity are strongly visible in various areas of children’s and young people’s lives, such as education, working life, health, wellbeing, inclusion, ...
The impacts of both climate change and biodiversity loss can be seen in the daily lives of most Finns. This is the conclusion to be made from the answers to the 2025 Climate and Nature Barometers. In ...
The Government will reform the legislation on working life to remove barriers to employment and, in particular, to strengthen the operating conditions of SMEs. Barriers to employment will be removed, ...
The Prime Minister's Office asks the ministries to identify their information needs and submit them for inclusion in an annual research plan. The information needs must meet the criteria for ...
The transformation of working life is a complex phenomenon with various dimensions and overlapping impacts. Artificial intelligence and hybrid work, for example, are already shaping the way in which ...
To commission the studies serving the Government's decision-making, open calls for proposals are held based on the Government's annual research plan. The calls for proposals are open to higher ...
The objective of the Government plan for analysis, assessment and research that underpins decision making is to ensure that there is a strong and horizontal knowledge base to support decision making ...
Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö maksaa valtioneuvoston raha-asiainvaliokunnan puoltamana kunnille ja työvoimaviranomaisille työvoimapalveluiden järjestämisvastuun siirtoon liittyviä korvauksia 30.
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö avaa 21.3. uuden avustushaun, jolla tuetaan hankkeita kahdessa eri osa-alueessa. Ensimmäisessä osiossa rahoitetaan hankkeita, joissa Harrastamisen Suomen mallia ...
Valtio­neuvoston kanslia Puolustus­ministeriö Liikenne- ja viestintä­ministeriö Ulko­ministeriö Valtio­varain­ministeriö Työ- ja elinkeino­ministeriö Oikeus­ministeriö Opetus- ja kulttuuri­ministeriö ...
F-35-hävittäjien moottorien kokoonpano- ja huoltotilojen rakentaminen Nokian Linnavuoressa on edennyt aikataulussa, ja rakennushankkeen harjannostajaisia vietettiin perjantaina 14. maaliskuuta.