Controller in hand, the drone lifts off the ground and rises steadily and effortlessly into the sky. Under the operator’s ...
Congratulations Fall 2024 grads! We celebrated over 1,300 students from Eastern Kentucky University during five commencement ...
Active Duty - U.S. Army Kentucky National Guard Department of the Army Civilian Employee 521 Lancaster Ave.
The certificate in corporate communication is offered for all students who need to increase their professional communication effectiveness in their field of study. The certificate is designed to ...
J.D., West Virginia University L.L.M., University of San Diego M.S. West Virginia University B.A., West Liberty State College 521 Lancaster Ave.
Butcher, C. R. (2025). Putting community back in college: Exploring how institutional agents affect transfer student capital (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Eastern Kentucky University. Butcher, ...
Ph.D. in Public Policy-Education Policy, University of Arkansas M.Ed. in Higher Education Leadership, University of Arkansas B.A. in Political Science, University of Arkansas ...
Ed.D., Eastern Kentucky University M.S., Eastern Kentucky University M.S., Kentucky State University B.S., Murray State University 521 Lancaster Ave.
EKU’s Community Education Department offers a wide variety of non-credit classes that are open to the general public. Courses are taught by EKU faculty and staff, community professionals, and local ...
The Web-4-Parent service allows a student to give written permission for a proxy (guest) to view the student’s academic and/or financial information through MyEKU. The information is read-only and can ...