A fire at Anglesey Aluminium, one of north Wales' biggest employers, has left production at one-third of normal, the owner has confirmed. It could be up to three months before full production returns ...
3F., No.84, Sec 2, Jianguo N. Rd., Jhongshan District, 10479 Taipei City, Taiwan ...
Automatisierung Chemikalien Kernherstellungen Ausleeren, Entkernen, Putzen, Rohgussnachbehandlung Umwelt, Energie und Sicherheit Wärmebehandlung IT-Lösungen Schmelzbetrieb Metalle und Legierungen ...
Winoa Ibérica proudly marks its 90th anniversary, celebrating nearly a century of innovation and leadership in the steel abrasives industry. From its origins as Talleres Fabio Murga S.A. in 1934 to ...
Thanks to the support of numerous co-organizers and partners, including the EUROGUSS trade fair, Max Schumacher (BDGuss), and Foundry-Planet, the event was a great success, setting a new attendance ...
The Eisengießerei Teutoguss and Lüneburger Eisenwerk (now Focast Lüneburg) foundries, have filed for insolvency. According to Zeitschrift für Restrukturierung und Insolvenz, Teutoguss had entered ...
„Diese Partnerschaft ist ein wichtiger Schritt unserer Strategie zur Diversifizierung und Stärkung unserer Lieferketten“, sagt Michael Fanger, Head of Division Minerals bei CREMER ERZKONTOR. „Mit TAC ...
Karnal (PTI): Three labourers were killed and another fell ill after some poisonous gas leaked from the Chimney of an iron foundry on Gongripur road here on Friday, police sources said. The victims, ...
The 24th German Die Casting Day brought together leading industry representatives in Ingolstadt to discuss current developments, challenges, and opportunities in the die casting sector. The opening ...
EC president Ursula von der Leyen said she will propose a focused amendment to the CO2 Standards regulation this month. Instead of annual compliance, carmakers will have a three-year compliance window ...
MAN hat im Werk Nürnberg die Produktion des neuen, hocheffizienten 13-Liter-Dieselmotors MAN D30 gestartet. Es ist der letzte seiner Art – nach mehr als 100 Jahren Dieselmotorenbau am Standort. Das ...