Previous: The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Ms Ao Ieong U, attends the opening ceremony of a cultural event featuring music from the six religions in Macao, in celebration of the 25th ...
The Personal Data Protection Bureau provides seminars on the Personal Data Protection Act to private and public institutions. The Personal Data Protection Act seminar serves to highlight the basics ...
The Personal Data Protection Bureau accepts and handles applications for opinions in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. The Personal Data Protection Bureau shall inform the applicant of ...
To apply, renew, reissue, replace and cancel “Non-resident Worker’s Identification Card” (“Non-resident Worker’s Card” for short) for non-residents who are employed by Macao employers with valid ...
Health Centres are district-based units that provide primary healthcare services and have the authority to: Provide personal healthcare and essential medications to individuals and families; Refer ...
Persons who wish to apply for residence in Macao as an investor, management executive or skilled worker may apply to the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (Address: 1/F, World Trade Centre ...
Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, n. os 43 - 53A, The Macau Square, 8.º andar C e 11.º andar K, Macau ...
“2025年澳門青少年體育學校-體驗及選材日”於本年11月30日舉行,項目包括足球、網球、乒乓球、武術、保齡球、空手道及壁球。體育局希望能通過青少年學校培養優秀的年輕運動員,為集訓隊建立良好的梯隊。有第一次參加選材日的家長表示參與本次選材主要是以體驗 ...
由體育局、銀河娛樂集團及澳門田徑總會主辦的「慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年及澳門特別行政區成立25周年 - 2024銀河娛樂澳門國際馬拉松」將於本年12月1日(星期日)舉行,為讓參賽者、市民及旅客更投入馬拉松歡樂以及賽事節慶氛圍,於今 (30)日及明 (1)日在「澳門百老匯™」之「百老匯美食街」舉行「2024銀河娛樂澳門國際馬拉松嘉年華」。
依照《澳門特別行政區基本法》的有關規定,根據澳門特別行政區第六任行政長官岑浩輝的提名,國務院任命了澳門特別行政區第六屆政府主要官員和檢察長。任命情況如下: ...