Bay Elementary School celebrated its first-place ranking in the Prodigy web-based game for January and February.
Keep your soon-to-be or leaving 1st (first) graders, ages 6 and 7, practicing their growing reading skills with the best 1st grade books for summer reading.
Anderson 2's superintendent eschews guest speakers and expensive programs, favoring support for teachers. Turnover is 2.4 ...
According to The Education Trust, roughly 30% of American students struggle with math. Many students have math anxiety over ...
Reducing class size has to be the starting point to improve outcomes. Start there and if 20 or 22 students per room doesn’t ...
called the plan a “thoughtful first step to course correction” in an environment where most students are not solving math problems at grade level. However, he expressed opposition to the idea ...
Notre Dame went into Monday's game against Duke ranked as the nation's No. 1 team for the first time this season. It looked very much the part while dismantling one of the nation's better teams.
But they’re still a third of a grade level behind in both math ... exam in both reading and math. Louisiana ranked No. 1 in reading recovery, and Alabama was best in the country for math recovery.