Aside from his gravelly baritone and his attempts at rearranging the world like Tetris pieces, Henry Kissinger is perhaps best known for something he probably never said: that he could never ...
In the eleven weeks between the American election in November and Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20th, Europe was abuzz with talk of how it might best “Trump-proof” itself. How ...
Leaders with a strong military focus include Charlemagne, Napoleon, and Tecumseh due to their Militaristic attributes, synergy with specific Militaristic civilizations, etc. Here's a look at the ...
Excavations carried out on the Ile de Ré have uncovered a series of burial sites, containing objects evoking 'Nordic' cultures that date back to the Carolingian period.
While Civilization 7 has many viable leaders for a Military Victory, Charlemagne ranks among the most powerful. He can amass a huge cavalry thanks to his Father of Europe ability, which grants two ...