Bangladesh is expecting to boost exports and bring investment and development support from China during Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus' first bilateral visit that will be watched closely by ...
Dhaka has yet to hear from New Delhi, four days after extending an invitation to India for a bilateral meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Advisor Muhammad Yunus.
Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus expressed concern today over the health of former national cricket captain Tamim Iqbal, who suffered a "severe heart attack" while playing at BKSP.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres shared an Iftar with about 1,00,000 refugees and told them that it was a symbol of his deep respect for their religion and their culture.
Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus has called for global action against racial injustice and highlighted the plight of the Rohingya people, who remain victims of racial discrimination and prolonged ...
India has not responded yet to Dhaka's request, seeking a meeting between Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the BIMSTEC Summit in Bangkok, ..., Jakarta Nabi Yunus AS mengalami cobaan berat ketika ditelan oleh ikan paus dan akhirnya dimuntahkan di tepi pantai. Dalam kondisi tubuh yang lemah dan kulit mengelupas akibat asam ...
Bangladesh has approached India to arrange a meeting between its Chief Adviser, Muhammad Yunus and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Bangkok in the first week of April. The two leaders are likely to ...
Bangladesh's request for a meeting between its interim government's Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus and Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the upcoming BIMSTEC Summit is under consideration, External ...
Surat Yunus terdiri atas 109 ayat, termasuk golongan surat-surat Makkiyyah kecuali ayat 40, 94, 95, yang diturunkan pada masa Nabi Muhmmad s.a.w. berada di Madinah. Surat ini dinamai surat Yunus ...
40. Dan di antara mereka ada orang-orang yang beriman kepadanya (Al-Qur'an), dan di antaranya ada (pula) orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepadanya. Sedangkan Tuhanmu lebih mengetahui tentang ...