The Batman franchise has had a good track record of interesting villains from his extensive rogues’ gallery popping up on ...
DC Comics' Hush 2 is here, kicking off with a character death so big, I adamantly refuse to believe it's real or permanent ...
It only takes three words to demonstrate why Batman is the best of DC's superheroes, demonstrating his perseverance and his ...
Jacksonville resident Michael Hills has been building a following on social media by filming videos as the Dark Knight ...
With it looking likely that The Penguin star Colin Farrell will take on the lead role in Sgt. Rock for DC Studios, we have an ...
Batman: Hush is an interesting comic to try and write a sequel to, because so much of the original is meant as a showcase of everything Batman comics have to offer. Yes, there’s the ...
We've met Absolute Batman, but what's the deal with Absolute Joker? We chat with the creators of the series to learn more ...
Here’s how ... a short stint on Batman for a sequel to their beloved 2002-2003 story Hush, the improbably titled Batman H2SH (huh-toosh?). I think it's pretty clear I'm all for a nostalgic ...
With this issue, Scott Snyder wraps up the first arc of his wildly popular Absolute Batman series. DC has to be happy with how the entire Absolute line has been turning out, but this title ...
In one issue, Watters and Sherman set up an homage to Gareth Evans’ lauded action movie The Raid: Redemption, as Batman steps in to rescue a police officer held hostage somewhere in Bledin Towers’ 215 ...