Azerbaijan and Georgia are asking the European Commission to grant special status to a Black Sea power line project that ...
The "Caspian Basin Studies" program, traditionally organized every year by ADA University’s Continuing Education Program, ...
An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.0 was recorded in the Caspian Sea, located 63 kilometers southeast of Shirvan Station.
The mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan are linked to the vast hydrocarbon system of the South Caspian Basin. El Confidencial reported that some mud mounds in the northern lowlands of Mars may have formed ...
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adding that Russia is implementing a strategy for the development of sea ports in the Caspian basin till 2030. Thus, it is planned to build a deep-water port near Caspiysk by 2025. The port will ...
Four Caspian Basin countries—Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan—collectively contribute 3% to global energy production, according to a recent US Energy Department survey.
He also informed the summit participants that Russia has adopted and is implementing a strategy for the development of national seaports in the Caspian Basin, as well as rail and road approaches ...