Two officers were "severely injured" after they crashed into a pillar while trying to make a U-turn on the North Loop feeder ...
According to the Houston Police Department, the crash happened around 3 p.m. on the North Beltway feeder service road and possibly involved a tow truck.
After KHOU 11 Investigates uncovered hot spots for wrong-way crashes across the city, Houston Public Works installed new ...
A bicyclist is expected to be alright after a crash in College Station. Police officers are investigating a vehicle vs. a ...
According to Texas A&M Forest Service's latest report, both fires are 95-percent contained. San Patricio Co. is keeping its ...
The patrol vehicle was attempting to make a U-turn while traveling down the feeder road of North Loop 610 at Ella when the ...
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- The Highway 290 feeder road westbound at Jones Road is back open after a large, dump truck overturned in the area on Tuesday afternoon. The Jersey Village Police ...
Witnesses told authorities a person tried to cross the feeder road of Gulf Freeway. Police were told by witnesses that they saw a man in the right-hand lane of traffic. That's when, authorities ...