The much vaunted scheme was spruiked as a pathway into a sustainable future for the Australian trucking industry and meant to ...
European aircraft maker Airbus announced it has settled on a fuel cell design for its upcoming hydrogen single-aisle aircraft ...
Daimler Truck has subjected its GenH2 fuel cell truck to winter testing in Switzerland. Not the test vehicles currently in ...
(Oslo, Norway, 27 March 2025) Hexagon Purus, a world leading manufacturer of zero-emission mobility and infrastructure ...
An Australia-based zero-emission aircraft designer and manufacturer has collaborated with Formula One car engine ...
Mazda’s CEO said the response to the Iconic-SP concept was good enough to restart rotary engine development, too.
The Board of Directors of Hexagon Purus ASA has approved the company's Integrated Annual and Sustainability Report for 2024.
Centrica is moving to Geotab and OEM based telematics system over the next few months which will help Simister to evaluate ...
The H3 rocket carrying the LUPEX mission will be launched from the Tanegashima Space Center (TNSC), the largest rocket-launch ...
India stands at a crossroads. Our bustling cities are grappling with the harsh realities of air pollution, and businesses are ...
As U.S. transit agencies increasingly order buses powered by batteries or hydrogen fuel cells, some of these same agencies ...