A research team affiliated with the Nano Optics Group within the Department of Physics at UNIST has announced the successful ...
Abstract: A silicon-based image sensor is proposed, incorporating plasmonic diffraction gratings tailored to chief ray angles (CRAs), to enhance near-infrared (NIR) sensitivity improvement over a ...
A line-tracking robot with a robotic arm for object manipulation using infrared sensors and a custom-designed robotic arm, all controlled by a Raspberry Pi Pico. The line-following and obstacle ...
The problem is there are different types of infrared sensors you can buy. Choosing the right one for your application requires a full assessment of the following things ... data for an entire body. A ...
Enables autonomous driving of a 2 or 4 wheel car with an Arduino and a Adafruit Motor Shield V2. To avoid obstacles a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor mounted on a SG90 Servo continuously scans the area.
In 1844, Congress awarded Morse $30,000 to build a line from Washington to Baltimore. That was the same year Morse sent the famous message “What Hath God Wrought?” Who received and responded ...